Mid Year Review

Mid Year Review

Did you create your yearly intentions at the beginning of this year? We have officially arrived at the ombligo of the year, and I get really excited around this time because I get to sit down and intentionally review what’s happened in the last 6 months.

Our Mid Year Review consists on 11 steps:

1. Reflect on your annual intentions. What did you commit to in the beginning of the year?

2. This year's word and/or affirmation.

3. Quarterly intentions.

4. What can you celebrate?

5. Review your life wheel.

6. Reflect on what is working.

7. Evaluate what you need to let go of.

8. Lessons learned.

9. Progress report.

10. Moving forward, next steps.

11. Who can hold you accountable?

Listen to the full episode where I explain the review in detail:

Don’t forget to share your reviews, any thoughts, comments, and feedback on social!

Stay shining!
