Hola I’m Pam

And I’m so happy you’re here.


There are a few ways we can work together

One-on-One Alignment Coaching

If you’re ready to dismantle the damages of Calladita Culture™ and finally own your voice and stand in your power, let’s work together.

Through mindset, inner child work, and coaching we can expand into that version of you, the one that is outspoken and owns her truth.

My 2024 rate for a 3-month 1:1 engagement is $3600 or $1200 per month

Manis Annual Pass

I created the program I wish existed when I was told my brain was broken. It turns out, I have ADHD, chronic depression, and anxiety. I sound so fun huh?

The Manis Annual Pass is the new iteration of a previous program called PowerSisters. The inspiration for the Manis Pass (MP) is a Disney Annual Pass model. Why? Because I want you to show up at your own pace whenever you feel called to.

Inside the MP you get unstuck, find clarity, and get things done. We do this using tapping, the somatic tool I’m trained with.

This program is for those looking to get support and maybe are not quite ready for 1:1 coaching.

Click on the image to learn more about the Manis Annual Pass

If you’re looking for corporate speaking and/or trainings

I’m available to come share with your team fun and dynamic ways to be productive without having to work until 7 pm and miss your child’s soccer practice, and we also explore why it’s important to use your voice. Because Calladita Culture™ has been keeping women and first generation humans submissive and quiet. Did you ever hear your grandmother say “go to work and don’t make noise” yeah, that’s Calladita Culture™ 🤷🏽‍♀️. And yes, it affects men too.

So if you’re an affinity group leader, and HR executive, or someone looking for your next speaker to hire, you have found me. I promise we’ll have fun while I spill out some truths you may or may not be ready to hear, all with love though. Always with love.

Speaking and workshops for corporate and teams start at $3,000 USD and if you have more budget, I hope you don’t try to bring it down just because you saw this number. Equitable practices apply for speaker fees also.

To dig deeper into my work and how we can hang out together, head over to my speaking page 😉


I created the Aligned Compass Methodology

When we work together, we embrace all the parts that make you human. I have developed the Aligned Compass Methodology to help us uncover and align your magic with your creations and to dismantle the damages of Calladita Culture™️

This is the compass you can use to align yourself with your desires so you can finally be seen, be safe, and belong


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I can't wait to share all the things with you.

Stay shining and liberated!

Where are you?


I don’t believe life and business are linear

If you find yourself on a stormy path and you want to explore Liberation Village, let’s explore where you are and find out which one of my offers fits your needs.


The Liberated Business Roadmap - Dismantling the damages of Calladita Culture™️

Liberated Business Roadmap

Discover Your Procrastinator Type

Let's face it, you're here because you know your kitchen will get a deep clean when a deadline is approaching, or maybe you're overwhelmed because your list is so long and you don't know where to start, and you simply don't start. Does that sound familiar?

Let's find out which type of procrastinator you are and figure out the best way to help you get things done.


When you answer the questions, answer as quickly with the first answer that you feel connected to. Don't overthink, your first gut is the correct answer.

Join the Annual Manis Pass


Get Unstuck, Find Clarity, and Get Sh*t Done!

Uncover the blocks holding you back and finally take action and finish the project, start the business, or take that nap!


Discover Your Brand Archetype

So you started a business and now it's time to figure out which Brand Archetype does your business fit. This is not a quick pick and choose, so to help you, we've made this awesome quiz that'll figure it all out for you. Please choose one answer for each question that best represents your brand.