The Rocky Mountains

I spent a two days in Denver this past week and I dedicated one hour to shooting, about 30 minutes after work one night and 30 minutes before heading to the airport for my flight back to San Diego. Definitely will start bringing my camera to all my travels. 

I realized having my camera with me allows me to do the following: 

  • Go outside and explore the city
  • Get at least 30 minutes of walking a day
  • Not feel so alone. My camera is my companion that allows me to capture moments
  • Make new friends. For some reason having a camera in your hand makes you less intimidating to some people, more intimidating to others. Either way, people notice you.

Here are some of the moments captured: 


Don't forget to get your 30 minute walk every day! Whether it is holding a camera, listening to your favorite song or calling a loved one, get out there. Your body will thank you. 


- Pam